Coaching, personal development + astrology articles

Easy there, coach

Easy there, coach

Let's just get this important fact out of the way: a great advice giver does not make a great professional life coach. With so many, so many people moving into the coaching profession, I feel it's pretty important to distinguish and examine this commonly misconceived fact. Again, great advice givers do not make great coaches. Even business...

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What comes after … the transcendence of Neptune in Pisces (-2026): an Astrological look at our collective future

What comes after … the transcendence of Neptune in Pisces (-2026): an Astrological look at our collective future

Neptune in Pisces, a once-in-several-lifetimes, 15-year transit, always ensured a dissolving of societal boundaries. Astrologers have always known that during this transit (February 2011 - January 2026) a massive spiritual shift and possibly a lot of confusion was guaranteed; a shift that would permeate the entire world. After all, Neptune rules...

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New Moon in Scorpio : Women’s Circle

New Moon in Scorpio : Women’s Circle

*FULL*   Join Heather Lee Kemp and I for an evening of connection, reflection and positive redirection. We’ll be holding space in ritual for you to bring yourself into alignment with the season and cycles of your life. Guiding you towards your most desired aspirations for the coming month(s) whether you’re inspired to focus on your personal...

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Q&A: What is this life coaching thing anyway?

Q&A: What is this life coaching thing anyway?

Even if you've been road tripping on barren, dusty roads in Central America, chances are you've heard the words, "life coach". Dang, you probably know someone who is becoming a life coach or who has recently changed their title or business to include the word "Coach". When you hear the term, maybe Tony Robbins, one of the most visible "Life &...

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The magic of setting intentions for a new year

The magic of setting intentions for a new year

There's something very powerful about setting intentions for a new year. Of course it's possible to set intentions, make goals and change habits any time of the year, but this special time between Winter Solstice (December 21) and the first new moon in January is ideal for a few magical reasons. There's favorable strategic planetary alignment,...

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What is an Ompowered Life?

What is an Ompowered Life?

It is said that by simply chanting the mysterious and magical OM mantra, you can call on spiritual light and merge into vibrational harmony with the universe. Wow, quite a feat and yet most of us won't even give it a try. As a matter of fact, we've heard of many, many ways to be happier, more productive, in better shape and healthier, but most of...

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