Soulpreneur Sessions

Group Coaching Mastermind for multi-passionate female entrepreneurs who are ready to make moves in 2024

Start: TBD 2024
Call times: Mondays at 11:30am EST

Show up and make courageous moves in your business, with the support & structure of community

Waitlist is open for the next cohort of Soulpreneur Sessions

Start the year off strong, focused and in aligned community.

Not just any community – an empowered sisterhood of wise women; ambitious, business-minded, heart-centred and tuned in.

Continue to thrive and ensure your success, especially through the winter months, through the consistency and intention of a powerful, weekly group container.

In Soulpreneur Sessions, we meet three Mondays every month, for four months. This real-time business accelerator is part group coaching + part mastermind; empowering women to show up, connect with each other, make offers, market their business and stay accountable!


Make 2024 your year!

Are you a coach, health & wellness service provider, healer or spiritual business owner?

Are you a female solopreneur – working alone to grow your practice or business?

Then you must get yourself into a community, and discover the power of how weekly coaching +  a sisterhood of business besties supports and strengthens your mindset and business growth.

*THIS is my most accessible, BEST value coaching offer! Read on…

“Rachel is an amazing business coach to work with. She helped work out issues as they presented themselves through the latter part of my first year as an entrepreneur. With her ability to pose pertinent questions and dig deep to find what might be holding you back, she is a great person to have on your side!”
Suzanne H

Designer, Above & Beyond Interiors

Rachel is the best business coach I’ve had the opportunity to work with. She is brilliant when it comes to strategy, technology, keeping things simple and holding women accountable. I love that she coaches beyond the business, also focusing on personal life coaching and brings the elements of spirituality and astrology into her offerings.

Dimple A

Holistic Coach, Mindful Evolution

Rachel Schwab

Seriously sister,

What could you accomplish if you FOCUSED and took confident ACTION in your business?

What impact could you make by consistently working with the people you serve?

How would it feel if you stepped up, offered more and honoured the opportunity and gifts you’ve been given?

As a multi-passionate, spiritually-minded entrepreneur who works in a professional setting as a coach AND facilitates female empowerment programs and events  – I get it! 

Through the work, I will help you:

  • Identify your limiting beliefs and patterns
  • Get out of your own way
  • Deeply understand how much you have to offer
  • Build your energy & confidence
  • Strategize, show up and offer more

I love group coaching because I always get something out of others being coached. I’ve felt like a broken record saying “it feels like something’s holding me back and I don’t want know what” and I think group coaching helps illuminate the ‘I don’t know what’. The advice given to another in the group is almost always applicable to me in some way for things I would have never even thought about. It changed the way I saw myself and how I showed up. I liked that it was easy to see I’m not alone – we all have the same issues.”

Amanda L

Apparel Company

“Working with Rachel over the past year has brought so much clarity and focus to my business, not to mention a significant increase in my revenue.”

Caitlin W

Physiotherapy at Home

This mastermind is for the woman who:

  • is launching a new soul-aligned business or has been running their own venture for up to 5 years
  • feels alone, working mostly from home or as the sole employee in the business
  • has big ideas, but is waiting for big momentum to kick in
  • notices how much moods can sabotage the business
  • is forever visioning, creating dream boards and chanting affirmations, but still waiting for change
  • has an incredible amount of untapped potential waiting to be unleashed
  • is ready to step into a container of expansive action

If you are a small business owner looking to scale your personal leadership and business in a flexible, private container, contact Rachel here.

Soulpreneur Sessions group coaching sessions will take place via ZOOM
on Mondays from 11:30am-1pm EST

Ready to make a quantum leap in your business?

This program is designed for womxn-run business owners and entrepreneurs who are serious about gaining momentum in their new business or have been running their businesses for up to 5 years.

Group coaching is best for self-motivated entrepreneurs who want the consistency and accountability of weekly meetings; and who are committed to growing their businesses, and show up willing and able to set goals and reach them.

This program includes:
✔︎ Weekly live, group coaching video calls via ZOOM (approx. three Mondays each month)
✔︎ Business mindset coaching
✔︎ Weekly challenges and prompts
✔︎ A Business Planning Workbook
✔︎ Expert marketing & social media trainings
✔︎ Insight & wisdom from like-minded solopreneurs in the group
✔︎ A private WhatsApp group to stay accountable and in action
✔︎ 24/7 Email support

16-week group coaching mastermind / small group

Financial Investment
starts at $500 Cdn