For a limited time, explore your astrological natal chart, learn more about your life path, and step into your vitality.
Three sessions, $333
Astrological coaching is a way to delve into the cosmic blueprint of your soul.
Who are you, at your core?
What lights you up?
Where do you feel blocked?
What is your divine life purpose?
Life coaching is a transformative undertaking in where you are guided to go inward to discover your true strength and desire. This alone is a powerful process that opens up a new world of possibility.
Astrology plays an intuitive role in understanding challenges and imprinted programming, as well as uncovering untapped potential and deep meaning. Deciphering the natal birth chart and current transits provides an illuminating shortcut to seeing what’s currently going on in your life. It’s like finding a key, a blueprint to your existence, that can be examined, decoded and translated.