Create an Ompowered 2021

2021 Workbook Download

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Rachel Schwab is a Toronto-based life and business coach and workshop facilitator who works with ambitious creatives and emerging leaders to grow their business, while living more conscious and connected lives.

Private and group coaching packages available. 

What my clients are saying

“The coaching has redirected my focus so I have time for everything. I’m generating 2-3x more revenue with less effort.”

“I feel way ahead of the game. I’m now prioritizing, delegating and in a position to even anticipate issues and needs.”

“As a direct result of coaching, I am planning more strategically and not limiting myself in thinking how much money I can earn. I didn’t know it was holding me back, but I’ve overcome my fear of growth and success.”

How you can work with me

I am currently offering two private, 1:1 coaching packages: leadership coaching / coaching for entrepreneurs

Group coaching for female entrepreneurs starts Spring 2021. Read all about how you can get in, here.