Coaching, guidance + mentorship

for creative & conscious business owners + Entrepreneurs

Life & Business Coaching, Online or In person in Toronto

Mindset, Strategy, Growth

Align your business and lifestyle with exactly who you are. 

Whether you are starting, growing or adjusting your business, this program and private container gives you the expertise, support, mentorship and accountability you need to stay focused and strategic.



Show up more, offer more

Coaching for clarity, confidence & consistent income

If you’re anything like me, you’re overflowing with ideas and grander visions of life.

You value personal freedom and creative space, and are fiercely determined to figure out how to be more financially independent so you can simply live the life that allows you to be the best version of yourself; a life that fulfills you everyday.

That’s why, this next four months will be all about: mindset & business confidence, strategic planning and accountable action.
Or as I like to think of it as: Insight, Intention & Implementation.

Together we will:
+ get clear on your business purpose, vision and desired outcomes
+ identify target clients and refine messaging
+ map out an actionable abundance plan to reach goals
+ strategize on best practice models; scale and systemize
+ receive expert communications mentorship around marketing and social media
+ keep up the momentum with consistent accountability follow-up

Small business coaching

Key Areas of Focus

Although each private coaching session is completely custom to your specific needs, these are some key areas we cover.

Mindset & Confidence

Brand Development

Purpose, vision + desired outcomes

Strategic & Creative Execution

Communication & Marketing Strategy

Goal Setting, Prioritization, TIme Management

My clients are saying…

I wanted to add on more to my coaching practice but was a bit confused as to how to implement the change. Within just a few sessions, Rachel helped me to get clear on what’s important and how to proceed. She helped me cut through mental clutter and self doubt so that I could identify my next steps to keep me moving towards making the changes I set out to do. Rachel has a knack for working with creative people like me. Rachel is a gem!

Winnie Lui

Spiritual Coach

When I began working with Rachel, I was drowning in imposter syndrome. On the one hand, I had a lot to say. On the other, I was afraid to put my words ‘out there.’ With Rachel’s support, I learned to tame many of my insecurities, got my words published in reputable e-zines, grew my social following significantly, and found the confidence to embark on a new life venture that I know is going to fill my cup.

Viv Singer

Writer, Blogger

4-month, 1:1 business coaching for creative and conscious entrepreneurs


✔︎ 2-hour initial strategy/discovery session
✔︎ Bi-weekly coaching video calls via ZOOM (or in-person in Toronto)
✔︎ Three, weekly 60-minute sessions (online), followed by bi-weekly sessions
✔︎ Expert communications + digital marketing consultation upon request
✔︎ Monthly self-directed reflection booklets, journal prompts and business worksheets
✔︎ Free access to monthly Women’s Soul Circles (in person, in Toronto)
✔︎ Unlimited access via email

To learn more about Rachel and book a no-obligation introduction call, please click here.