Soulpreneur Sessions


Entrepreneurs & Business owners

Make big moves in your business over the next four months.

Join a like-minded group of entrepreneurs each week to


Develop a consistent and clear plan of action


Work with a professional coach


Systemize, organize and be held accountable


Grow with the support and camaraderie of community

Are you working at home alone, or looking for the perfect cafe just to fend off the feeling of isolation? Are you passionately working to build a freedom business; or to finally integrate your work to align with your greater purpose? Do you have a strong business plan – but struggle to show up consistently?

Over the past two decades that I’ve been working as an entrepreneur and with entrepreneurs, I’ve seen the same challenges over and over:

1: Frustration and overwhelm around tech, websites, marketing and social media

2. Disconnection and the feeling of being and working tirelessly alone

3. Limited mindsets: fear, lack of courage and confidence, imposter syndrome and small thinking

4. Difficulty with self-discipline and consistency!

Can you relate? Entrepreneurship isn’t exactly a walk in the park, but it can be so much easier with the guidance from a business coach and the connection of like-minded women!

This is why I’m excited to launch this new, intimate group coaching mastermind to help ambitious entrepreneurs like you get focused, take consistent action and collaborate with like-minded, comrades to grow your businesses in 2020!

‘Working with Rachel over the past year has brought so much clarity and focus to my business, not to mention a significant increase in my revenue. 

Her expertise in digital marketing also added tremendous value to our work together.
Hiring Rachel was one of the best decisions that I have ever made!’



Owner, Physiotherapy at Home

I was confused as to how to make changes in my coaching business. Normally I would have spun around in circles and might even manage to talk myself out of doing anything, but luckily Rachel helped me out of this situation. 

Within just a few sessions, Rachel helped me to get clear on what’s important and how to proceed. She helped me cut through mental clutter and self doubt so that I can identify my next steps to keep me moving towards making the changes I set out to do. 

Rachel has a knack for working with creative people like me. She is a gem.


Intuitive Life Coach

4 months to your next level

Being the visionary, service provider and marketing person in your own business can be overwhelming!

I’m here to tell you, you don’t have to do this alone

Join us over the next 16 weeks to focus and take strategic, consistent action in your business. You can expect:

✔︎ Monday weekly group coaching calls via ZOOM
✔︎ Brainstorm with like-minded entrepreneurs
✔︎ Set clear business objectives
✔︎ Create weekly action plans

✔︎ Digital Marketing & Business Trainings
✔︎ Discover new ways to reach clients
✔︎ Be strategic with your time
✔︎ Own your vision, know your worth

clarity, confidence + clients

Soulpreneur Sessions


Each week we come together online to learn new strategies, discuss challenges, focus on our visions and take courageous steps to success.


Like your own personal advisory group, the power of the mastermind brings women, like you, together to strategize your business growth.

Who I am  

Hey there! I’m Rachel Schwab, a professional coach who works with entrepreneurs and emerging leaders to focus and take consistent action to get results. Along the way, we uncover and clear blocks and challenges, we transform limiting beliefs and integrate powerful new success habits.  

I’ve spent most of my career as a communications and digital marketing consultant; I ran my own PR company, worked as a hospitality consultant, as a casting agent for movie extras; I was an influential fashion blogger, a freelance writer and a business coach.

Currently, I mainly work one-on-one with clients and as a business workshop facilitator. I am passionate about bringing people together and helping them to align all areas of their lives.

When I began working with Rachel, I was drowning in imposter syndrome.

On the one hand, I had a lot to say. On the other, I was afraid to put my words ‘out there.’ With Rachel’s support, I learned to tame many of my insecurities, got my words published in reputable e-zines, grew my social following significantly, and found the confidence to embark on a new life venture that I know is going to fill my cup.

Viv Singer

Writer, Viv for Today

The coaching has redirected my focus so I have time for everything. I’m generating 2-3x more revenue with less effort.

I feel way ahead of the game. I’m now prioritizing, delegating and in a position to even anticipate issues and needs.

Toronto Entrepreneur


16-week group coaching mastermind / small group

$99/month or $397 in full

(*Special introductory offer)


This program is designed for womxn-run business owners and entrepreneurs who are just starting their new businesses or have been running their own creative and soul-led businesses for up to 3 years.

Group coaching is best for self-motivated entrepreneurs who need the consistency and accountability of weekly meetings; and who are committed to growing their businesses, and show up willing and able to set goals and reach them.

This program includes:
✔︎ Weekly live, group coaching video calls via ZOOM (Mondays)
✔︎ Business mindset coaching
✔︎ Weekly email prompts & worksheets
✔︎ Expert marketing & social media trainings
✔︎ Insight & wisdom from like-minded soul sisters in the group
✔︎ A private Facebook group to keep the conversation going
✔︎ 24/7 Email support

A few more details:

✔︎ Weekly calls will take place on Mondays

✔︎ Business coaching happens in a group, with each member spending about 10-15 minutes discussing their business challenges and setting action goals for the week

✔︎ This program is best suited for women who are committed and prepared to step out of their comfort zones to reach their business goals

✔︎ If you do not feel comfortable sharing in a group OR if you are unsure about your business strategy, you might consider private business coaching instead. See details here.