Cosmos Club

conscious exploration & personal growth for deep dive, high vibe guides

An online community of seekers & teachers, cosmic growth, soulful self healing, collaborative creation & conscious conversation


Yin Yang

live virtual intention-setting MOON workshops

Yin Yang

Weekly Coaching, Networking + learning

Yin Yang

Monthly events for soul-led entrepreneurs

Unlock the next level of your potential

Our community is perfect for you if:

– you are guiding and leading others, whether in your work or in your personal life

– you desire deep connection and community with like-minded seekers and meaning-makers

– you value learning and discovery; are curious and creative, and feel the call to expand your journey

– you’re ready to grow, play, and delve into the inner work to further uncover and liberate who you truly are


Unlocking the next level comes with a greater awareness of self; learning to break free of old paradigm narratives, changing outdated patterns and programming, and stepping into your unique, multi-dimensional existence.

Welcome to the Club.

Conscious Cafe
Soulpreneur Sessions

club benefits

Two live intention-setting and reflection moon circles every month

During the new moon, we get clear on our intentions, set goals and manifest desires. Full moon circles are for deep, guided introspection, transmutation and releasing what no longer serves us. All moon workshops include thematic astro wisdom and lessons, guided meditation and visualization, reflective journalling prompts and an opportunity for sharing and/or receiving guidance. Dates vary.

Weekly live coaching in the private Facebook group

This initiative will act like an anchor each week for mindfulness, intentional living and increased presence. Facilitated by accredited coach, Rachel Schwab, and open to guest teachers and guides, weekly sessions will offer the opportunity to learn about and be reminded of personal growth concepts, and life coaching methodologies. 

Soulpreneur Sessions

This is where creative and conscious entrepreneurs, guides, healers and the wellness community share and learn about all things business. There will be an opportunity to connect with like-minded business besties, create accountability groups and collaborate on new projects.

Conscious Cafe for Coaches, Teachers, Guides + Group Facilitators

A wisdom exchange, networking, and conscious conversation for those working as guides and healers to others. Takes place the third Thursday of each month (12pm).

Inclusive Forum for Members

Connect, learn, teach, chat, converse with like-minded seekers and teachers in our private Facebook group forum. This project is a growth exploration, rooted in curious discovery, deeper meaning and abundant expansion, intending to attract those who are simply open to possibilities.

More to Come

Future plans include providing promo opportunities, collaborative events, member trainings, and larger events! 

Upcoming Events

June 2021 Event Dates || PERSPECTIVE

June 10, 2021 – New Moon in Gemini intention-setting workshop

June 10, 2021 – Soulpreneur Sessions

June 17, 2021 – Conscious Cafe @12pm

June 24, 2021 – Full Moon in Sagittarius release circle


July 2021 Event Dates || Courage

July 7, 2021 – Soulpreneur Sessions

July 10, 2021 – New Moon in Cancer workshop

July 15, 2021 – Conscious Cafe

July 24, 2021 – Full Moon Circle